Go to my new blog to read my new posts on:
and 24 hours on TV!
Monday, 2 June 2008
Friday, 25 April 2008
LJ Rich Blog at Wordpress
Come and see me at ljrich.wordpress.com where my blog is now being published.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Flash Mob at Liverpool St London (UK)

So this weekend, apart from spending time in front of my new toy (see previous post and youtube clip) , I attended my first ever flash mob on Friday. I had the presence of mind to take the camcorder with me - I've just finished editing together the footage of this crazy event that actually made the news!
I was there with MissGeeky (who played Tosh in the Sweded Torchwood S2:13 Episode), whatleydude, and various others - after the event, we all went off to the Pitcher and Piano for the celebration of a job well done.
Have a look at the footage, embedded here
Bar staff kindly placed Rick's Finest on the jukebox - not sure they realised what was going on, and certainly when 30-40 of us sang along (some with lyric sheets) it did look mighty strange. City workers and pub regulars looked on with a mixture of bemusement and intoxication, which made the encore thoroughly worthwhile, especially when people started to join in.
... as for Flash Mobbing? I might have to add that to the ever-increasing list of things I'm getting addicted to.
flash mob,
geek chic,
LJ Rich,
miss geeky,
rick astley,
rick mob,
Saturday, 12 April 2008
From Jack To Mac: A song is born
So here it is, the youtube clip: installation, composition and production from the point of arrival at my doorstep. The chaps at Absolute Music were as good as their word, and happily the Mac Pro arrived with Logic 8 Studio fully installed, and the sound card already configured. Some might wonder where the challenge was, and I say it's enough to know how to do it, and much more satisfying to just get down and write -what a pleasure that was!
(Rss Viewers/Can't see the Vid? please click here for the link)
I made this by taking photos at every stage of installation, from opening the boxes yesterday right up to the upload a few hours ago - one of the most revealing pics is the look on my face just before I open up twitter on the browser to blog the instant happiness I felt at that point - you can see the complete contentment I'm feeling at having a system I've pretty much dreamt about for many moons. I only slept 4 hours last night, dreaming of Mac.
My last system, although state-of-the-art in 2002, was just not fast enough - the tech got in the way of composition, and the computer couldn't keep up with the kind of processing power demanded of it. It's so wonderful to be able to play with this every day - after some difficult times in the last few years, I can't begin to describe how it feels to realize such a dream that felt so far away for so long.
Or, as I put it [much more concisely] on twitter, "Woohoo!"
electronic bounce,
LJ Rich,
mac pro,
music technology,
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Oooooh! Mac Pro in Transit!!

I just found out how heavy the system I've ordered is...
Mac Pro : 30kg
Mac Screen: 25kg
Fireface 800 Soundcard: 3kg
...this thing weighs more than I do!! It's a monster!
Tomorrow is M-Day. I can't wait.
Thanks to icanhascheezburger.com for the lolcat above, and thatcanadiangirl for introducing me to lolcats in the first place... it turns out that cats (and other animals/children) can actually caption their own pics, although the spelling/grammar is generally a bit off (because cats etc don't normally type?) Anyhow, it's an incredibly amusing site. I have wasted an entertaining amount of time here and humbly warn you of the dangers of clicking through and voting on each of these pictures; you may notice huge swathes of your day disappearing.
I also got my moo cards today which I'll be taking with me to various events and occasions... I might take a pic of them and post them up here when the mac fever dies down somewhat...
LJ Rich,
mac pro,
music technology,
pimp my mac,
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Snow Day in April

There is something so cleansing about urban snow, I'm not sure what - perhaps it's the acoustic effect of laying a blanket of absorbent material across normally loud and jarring city noises, or the mental concept of the world looking soft and fresh and ready to reboot - all I know is that the feeling I got from this scene was unfamiliar to me. I felt... tranquil.
I did my stint on TV yesterday, just before the snow started. In between shows, I had a nice big plate of Chinese food with one of the camera operators, then a lovely cup of tea with Keeley from Elemis in the QVC cafe. We talked about the new social media aspect of the Internet and managing your online reputation.
Tonight I watched the last episode of Torchwood season 2. Don't worry, no spoilers. Blimey though, what a finale, can't wait for the next season... makes what I get up to on TV rather tame...
And so, to this week - with great unexpected joy, it seems that my diary is gloriously, wonderfully, deliciously empty apart from a mad dash round London town on Wednesday. I can't wait - it's the perfect week to get some admin sorted while chugging through Season 3 of DS9 (for my sins - Star Trek keeps me in one place while I enter stuff into MS Money, and as I didn't see them all first time round, it's all I have). I'll also try and get some gadgety video stuff filmed for internet release as well (watch this space), but - most unexpectedly of all - I might just attempt this thing called "tranquility" before the frenzied madness kicks back in. Wish me luck.
"Pimp My Mac" Update: Proper obsessives modding their Mac computers: witness a golden mac, a demon mac, and some serious paint jobs, I'm excited now, counting the days in an almost disproportionate manner.
Friday, 4 April 2008
Qype Party Last night

Last night was the Qype Party - I met up with Annie Mole, Rob (who was hosting the party), Mr Blue Sky, Lloyd and Darika, among others - all clutching our raffle tickets with undisguised excitement, as prizes ranging from the biggest Chupa Chup in the western hemisphere to posh chocolates were up for grabs.
I was incredibly chuffed to have my restaurant review selected as "London Review of the Day" on Qype's site yesterday, and I've just been Qik'ed around the croissant table (as it were)
, involving video phones and a chance to talk about this very blog, so hello, if you've come from Qik!

Around the croissants, I'm sitting with Judith, Robert and Gondul chatting about whether Stargate Atlantis is better than Stargate SG-1, or vice versa. This conversation stemmed from an email I received a week ago from a viewer - and it appears to be more complex than first thought - the general consensus is that post-O'Neill, Atlantis is better, but the discussion rages on...
_Mac Pro update: My lovely new Mac is going to be suitably "pimped" after the chassis arrives at the depot on Monday - it's also been suggested that along with the indecent amount of ram and hard disk space, I actually add some serious bling in the form of big gold chains and Swarovski crystals around the optical drive, but that might be going a bit too far, what do you think?
See you on telly tomorrow evening! lots of love, LJ x
chupa chup,
mac pro,
stargate Atlantis
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